Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Can't Believe I'm Posting This!

This is my tracker for the Skinny Jeans Challenge. We are currently in the 2nd week of the challenge and my goal is to lose 5kgs by December 31st. So far...I have lost 0.5kgs. Not the loss I was hoping for in the first week, but it's better than the gain I was expecting with all the Mac and Oreos I have been allowing my stressed self to be "indulging" in.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Theresa...You look absolutely wonderful!!! And you sound wonderful too!! You are definitely an inspiration to me...I am so happy to hear that you are coming home in March!!! Can't wait for a hug...and I will be hugging a much smaller you!!! You are encouraging me to keep at the healthy lifestyle and get my butt moving too!!! I have lost six lbs....again....after gaining back 27 of the 37 I lost....I know...it stinks. However....I am back on track and you are definitely inspiring me. Keep up the good work and know that God is using you to speak into people lives by your example. Love you!!! Cindy
