Saturday, October 24, 2009

Skinny Jeans Experiment 2009

I was told about the Skinny Jeans Experiment over at Sweet Shoppe Designs (digital scrapbooking) by a friend from Tracy's CT. I signed up for it yesterday, and although I have not been offically added to the list and given the private forum link yet, I am starting today, as it is the 25th (im a day ahead in japan). As my final goals are not "due" until March, when I will go back home to Canada, it can't hurt to have a little extra motivation.

Although i've already had success in dropping about 2 pants sizes in the last 10 months, I still have a goal to be in a size 10 by March/April. I'll use these pictures as a starting reference point.

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Perfect Kit!

This layout was created with a new kit that I am VERY excited about! I've been looking for the perfect feminine workout/fitness type kit for the past year and the brilliant minds of Tracy at Trixie Scraps Designs and Golden Girls Digital Designs released it on Friday! It's called Work It and it's available at ScrapMatters!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So You Think You Can Run?

Well, I already know i'm a pretty poor runner. I did cross country team when I was in Jr. High school and used to run for fitness while I was training in Martial Arts. But tonight I decided to go for a run around my neighbourhood. When I came back, I mapped it out using Google Maps and it turned out to be around 3.8kms or 2.35 miles in total. I managed to run the first mile without stopping (which i will take as a huge victory!) and managed to walk only about half of what was left. Losing 50lbs really does help a person feel lighter and feel like they can do more with their body. I'm so happy with my run tonight, that I think i will do it again!

Oct 21 - 2.35miles/35mins (terrible time I know! But I'll work on it!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Little Update

68 kgs

Friday, October 2, 2009

Slow and Steady...

Slowly i'm finding life returning to a managable pace. I also find myself sick with some kind of cold virus that has given me a fever and a nasty cough for the weekend! As for my weightloss, I have been around 68kgs for the last couple of weeks. That means only 10 more kgs to go to reach my goal! I should add that I also hope to do some toning and strength training, so I may find that number changing, depending on what my body will do with the extra muscle.

As I keep losing weight, im finding it hard to keep clothes that still fit! I bought new linen pants this spring, and they FALL off now!! I am hoping to make it through the winter, then start over in the Spring with a whole new wardrobe!!